Source code for neurox.interpretation.utils

import math
import numpy as np

from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler

[docs]def isnotebook(): """ Utility function to detect if the code being run is within a jupyter notebook. Useful to change progress indicators for example. Returns ------- isnotebook : bool True if the function is being called inside a notebook, False otherwise. """ try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs]def get_progress_bar(): """ Utility function to get a progress bar depending on the environment the code is running in. A normal text-based progress bar is returned in normal shells, and a notebook widget-based progress bar is returned in jupyter notebooks. Returns ------- progressbar : function The appropriate progressbar from the tqdm library. """ if isnotebook(): from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as progressbar else: from tqdm import tqdm as progressbar return progressbar
[docs]def batch_generator(X, y, batch_size=32): """ Generator function to generate batches of data for training/evaluation. This function takes two tensors representing the activations and labels respectively, and yields batches of parallel data. The last batch may contain fewer than ``batch_size`` elements. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray Numpy Matrix of size [``NUM_TOKENS`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``]. Usually the output of ``interpretation.utils.create_tensors`` y : numpy.ndarray Numpy Vector of size [``NUM_TOKENS``] with class labels for each input token. For classification, 0-indexed class labels for each input token are expected. For regression, a real value per input token is expected. Usually the output of ``interpretation.utils.create_tensors`` batch_size : int, optional Number of samples to return in each call. Defaults to 32. Yields ------ X_batch : numpy.ndarray Numpy Matrix of size [``batch_size`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``]. The final batch may have fewer elements than the requested ``batch_size`` y_batch : numpy.ndarray Numpy Vector of size [``batch_size``]. The final batch may have fewer elements than the requested ``batch_size`` """ start_idx = 0 while start_idx < X.shape[0]: yield X[start_idx : start_idx + batch_size], y[ start_idx : start_idx + batch_size ] start_idx = start_idx + batch_size
[docs]def tok2idx(tokens): """ Utility function to generate unique indices for a set of tokens. Parameters ---------- tokens : list of lists List of sentences, where each sentence is a list of tokens. Usually returned from ``data.loader.load_data`` Returns ------- tok2idx_mapping : dict A dictionary with tokens as keys and a unique index for each token as values """ uniq_tokens = set().union(*tokens) return {p: idx for idx, p in enumerate(uniq_tokens)}
[docs]def idx2tok(srcidx): """ Utility function to an inverse mapping from a ``tok2idx`` mapping. Parameters ---------- tok2idx_mapping : dict Token to index mapping, usually the output for ``interpretation.utils.tok2idx``. Returns ------- idx2tok : dict A dictionary with unique indices as keys and their associated tokens as values """ return {v: k for k, v in srcidx.items()}
[docs]def count_target_words(tokens): """ Utility function to count the total number of tokens in a dataset. Parameters ---------- tokens : list of lists List of sentences, where each sentence is a list of tokens. Usually returned from ``data.loader.load_data`` Returns ------- count : int Total number of tokens in the given ``tokens`` structure """ return sum([len(t) for t in tokens["target"]])
[docs]def create_tensors( tokens, activations, task_specific_tag, mappings=None, task_type="classification", binarized_tag = None, balance_data = False ): """ Method to pre-process loaded datasets into tensors that can be used to train probes and perform analyis on. The input tokens are represented as list of sentences, where each sentence is a list of tokens. Each token also has an associated label. All tokens from all sentences are flattened into one dimension in the returned tensors. The returned tensors will thus have ``total_num_tokens`` rows. Parameters ---------- tokens : list of lists List of sentences, where each sentence is a list of tokens. Usually returned from ``data.loader.load_data`` activations : list of numpy.ndarray List of *sentence representations*, where each *sentence representation* is a numpy matrix of shape ``[num tokens in sentence x concatenated representation size]``. Usually retured from ``data.loader.load_activations`` task_specific_tag : str Label to assign tokens with unseen labels. This is particularly useful if some labels are never seen during train, but are present in the dev or test set. This is usually set to the majority class in the task. mappings : list of dicts List of four python dicts: ``label2idx``, ``idx2label``, ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for classification tasks. List of two dicts ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for regression tasks. Each dict represents either the mapping from class labels to indices and source tokens to indices or vice versa. Usually returned from a previous call to ``create_tensors``. task_type : str Either "classification" or "regression", indicate the kind of task that is being probed. binarized_tag : str, optional Tag/Label to create binary data. All other labels in the dataset are changed to OTHER. Defaults to None in which case the data labels are processed as-is. balance_data : bool, optional Whether the incoming data should be balanced. Data is balanced using utils.balance_binary_class_data for binary data and utils.balance_multi_class_data for multi-class data using undersampling. Defaults to False. Returns ------- X : numpy.ndarray Numpy Matrix of size [``NUM_TOKENS`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``] y : numpy.ndarray Numpy vector of size [``NUM_TOKENS``] mappings : list of dicts List of four python dicts: ``label2idx``, ``idx2label``, ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for classification tasks. List of two dicts ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for regression tasks. Each dict represents either the mapping from class labels to indices and source tokens to indices or vice versa. Notes ----- - ``mappings`` should be created exactly once, and should be reused for subsequent calls - For example, ``mappings`` can be created on train data, and the passed during the call for dev and test data. """ assert ( task_type == "classification" or task_type == "regression" ), "Invalid model type" num_tokens = count_target_words(tokens) print("Number of tokens: ", num_tokens) num_neurons = activations[0].shape[1] source_tokens = tokens["source"] target_tokens = tokens["target"] ####### creating pos and source to index and reverse if mappings is not None: if task_type == "classification": label2idx, idx2label, src2idx, idx2src = mappings else: src2idx, idx2src = mappings else: if task_type == "classification": if binarized_tag: label2idx = {binarized_tag: 1, "OTHER": 0} idx2label = {1: binarized_tag, 0: "OTHER"} else: label2idx = tok2idx(target_tokens) idx2label = idx2tok(label2idx) src2idx = tok2idx(source_tokens) idx2src = idx2tok(src2idx) print("length of source dictionary: ", len(src2idx)) if task_type == "classification": print("length of target dictionary: ", len(label2idx)) X = np.zeros((num_tokens, num_neurons), dtype=np.float32) if task_type=="classification": y = np.zeros((num_tokens,), else: y = np.zeros((num_tokens,), dtype=np.float32) example_set = set() idx = 0 for instance_idx, instance in enumerate(target_tokens): for token_idx, _ in enumerate(instance): if idx < num_tokens: X[idx] = activations[instance_idx][token_idx, :] example_set.add(source_tokens[instance_idx][token_idx]) if task_type == "classification": current_target_token = target_tokens[instance_idx][token_idx] if binarized_tag and current_target_token != binarized_tag: current_target_token = "OTHER" if ( mappings is not None and current_target_token not in label2idx ): y[idx] = label2idx[task_specific_tag] else: y[idx] = label2idx[current_target_token] elif task_type == "regression": y[idx] = float(target_tokens[instance_idx][token_idx]) idx += 1 print(idx) print("Total instances: %d" % (num_tokens)) print(list(example_set)[:20]) print ("Number of samples: ", X.shape[0]) if balance_data: print ("Balancing data ... ") if binarized_tag: X, y = balance_binary_class_data(X, y) else: X, y = balance_multi_class_data(X, y) print ("Number of samples after balancing: ", X.shape[0]) labels, freqs = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) print ("Stats: Labels with their frequencies in the final set") for idx, label in enumerate(labels): print (idx2label[label], freqs[idx]) if task_type == "classification": return X, y, (label2idx, idx2label, src2idx, idx2src) return X, y, (src2idx, idx2src)
################################## Statictics ################################## ################################ Data Balancing ################################
[docs]def balance_binary_class_data(X, y): """ Method to balance binary class data. .. note:: The majority class is under-sampled randomly to match the minority class in it's size. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray Numpy Matrix of size [``NUM_TOKENS`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``]. Usually returned from ``interpretation.utils.create_tensors`` y : numpy.ndarray Numpy vector of size [``NUM_TOKENS``]. Usually returned from ``interpretation.utils.create_tensors`` Returns ------- X_balanced : numpy.ndarray Numpy matrix of size [``NUM_BALANCED_TOKENS`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``] y_balanced : numpy.ndarray Numpy vector of size [``NUM_BALANCED_TOKENS``] """ rus = RandomUnderSampler() X_res, y_res = rus.fit_resample(X, y) return X_res, y_res
[docs]def balance_multi_class_data(X, y, num_required_instances=None): """ Method to balance multi class data. .. note:: All classes are under-sampled randomly to match the minority class in their size. If ``num_required_instances`` is provided, all classes are sampled proportionally so that the total number of selected examples is approximately ``num_required_instances`` (because of rounding proportions). Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray Numpy Matrix of size [``NUM_TOKENS`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``]. Usually returned from ``interpretation.utils.create_tensors`` y : numpy.ndarray Numpy vector of size [``NUM_TOKENS``]. Usually returned from ``interpretation.utils.create_tensors`` num_required_instances : int, optional Total number of required instances. All classes are sampled proportionally. Returns ------- X_balanced : numpy.ndarray Numpy matrix of size [``NUM_BALANCED_TOKENS`` x ``NUM_NEURONS``] y_balanced : numpy.ndarray Numpy vector of size [``NUM_BALANCED_TOKENS``] """ if num_required_instances: total = y.shape[0] unique, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) class_counts = dict(zip(unique, counts)) num_instances_per_class = { key: math.ceil(count / total * num_required_instances) for key, count in class_counts.items() } print(num_instances_per_class) rus = RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=num_instances_per_class) else: rus = RandomUnderSampler() X_res, y_res = rus.fit_resample(X, y) return X_res, y_res
[docs]def load_probe(probe_path): """ Loads a probe and its associated mappings from probe_path .. warning:: This method is currently not implemented. Parameters ---------- probe_path : str Path to a pkl object saved by interpretation.utils.save_probe Returns ------- probe : interpretation.linear_probe.LinearProbe Trained probe model mappings : list of dicts List of four python dicts: ``label2idx``, ``idx2label``, ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for classification tasks. List of two dicts ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for regression tasks. Each dict represents either the mapping from class labels to indices and source tokens to indices or vice versa. """ pass
[docs]def save_probe(probe_path, probe, mappings): """ Saves a model and its associated mappings as a pkl object at probe_path .. warning:: This method is currently not implemented. Parameters ---------- probe_path : str Path to save a pkl object probe : interpretation.linear_probe.LinearProbe Trained probe model mappings : list of dicts List of four python dicts: ``label2idx``, ``idx2label``, ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for classification tasks. List of two dicts ``src2idx`` and ``idx2src`` for regression tasks. Each dict represents either the mapping from class labels to indices and source tokens to indices or vice versa. """ pass