Source code for neurox.interpretation.clustering

"""Module for clustering analysis.

This module contains functions to perform clustering analysis on neuron
import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, fcluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

[docs]def create_correlation_clusters( X, use_abs_correlation=True, clustering_threshold=0.5, method="average" ): """ Create clusters based on neuron activation correlation. All neurons in the same cluster have "highly correlated" neurons that fire similarly on similar inputs. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray Matrix of size [ NUM_TOKENS x NUM_NEURONS]. Usually the output of interpretation.utils.create_tensors use_abs_correlation : bool, optional Whether to use absolute correlation values. Two neurons that are correlated in the opposite direction may represent the same "knowledge" in a large neural network. clustering_threshold : float, optional Hyperparameter for clustering. This is used as the threshold to convert hierarchical clusters into flat clusters. Returns ------- cluster_labels : list List of cluster labels for every neuron """ # Compute correlations corr = np.corrcoef(X.T) corr = np.nan_to_num(corr) corr = (corr + corr.T) / 2 np.fill_diagonal(corr, 1) print("Correlation matrix size (#neurons x #neurons):", corr.shape) # Cluster based on correlations if use_abs_correlation: dissimilarity = 1 - np.abs(corr) else: dissimilarity = 1 - corr hierarchy = linkage(squareform(dissimilarity), method=method) labels = fcluster(hierarchy, clustering_threshold, criterion="distance") print("Number of clusters detected: %d" % np.max(labels)) return labels
[docs]def extract_independent_neurons(X, use_abs_correlation=True, clustering_threshold=0.5): """ Extract independent neurons from the given set of neurons. This method first clusters all of the given neurons with every cluster representing similar neurons. A single neuron is then picked randomly from every cluster and this forms the final set of independent neurons that is returned .. seealso:: `Dalvi, Fahim, et al. "Analyzing redundancy in pretrained transformer models." Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2020. <>`_ Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray Matrix of size [ NUM_TOKENS x NUM_NEURONS]. Usually the output of interpretation.utils.create_tensors use_abs_correlation : bool, optional Whether to use absolute correlation values. Two neurons that are correlated in the opposite direction may represent the same "knowledge" in a large neural network. clustering_threshold : float, optional Hyperparameter for clustering. This is used as the threshold to convert hierarchical clusters into flat clusters. Returns ------- independent_neurons : list List of non-redundant indepenent neurons """ clusters = create_correlation_clusters(X, use_abs_correlation, clustering_threshold) independent_neurons = [] for i in range(np.min(clusters), np.max(clusters) + 1): independent_neurons.append(np.random.choice(np.where(clusters == i)[0])) return independent_neurons, clusters
[docs]def scikit_extract_independent_neurons(X, clustering_threshold=0.5): """ Alternative implementation of ``interpretation.clustering.extract_independent_neurons``. This is an alternative implementation of the ``extract_independent_neurons`` function using scikit-learn to create the correlation matrix instead of numpy. Should give identical results. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray Matrix of size [ NUM_TOKENS x NUM_NEURONS]. Usually the output of interpretation.utils.create_tensors clustering_threshold : float, optional Hyperparameter for clustering. This is used as the threshold to convert hierarchical clusters into flat clusters. Returns ------- independent_neurons : list List of non-redundant indepenent neurons cluster_labels : list List of cluster labels for every neuron """ c = pdist(X.T, metric="correlation") hi = linkage(c, method="average") clusters = fcluster(hi, clustering_threshold, criterion="distance") independent_neurons = [] for i in range(np.min(clusters), np.max(clusters) + 1): independent_neurons.append(np.random.choice(np.where(clusters == i)[0])) return independent_neurons, clusters