Source code for neurox.analysis.visualization

import os
import sys

import svgwrite

from import (

# Helper methods
def _break_lines(text, limit=50):
    lines = []
    curr_line = ""
    for token in text.split(" "):
        if len(curr_line) + 1 + len(token) <= limit:
            curr_line += token + " "
            curr_line = token + " "
    return lines

def _get_rect_style(color, opacity):
    return """opacity:%0.5f;
            stroke-opacity:1""" % (

def _get_text_style(font_size):
    return f"""font-style: normal;
            font-variant: normal;
            font-weight: normal;
            font-stretch: normal;
            font-size: {font_size:0.2f}px;
            line-height: 125%;
            font-family: "Courier";
            -inkscape-font-specification: "Courier";
            font-variant-ligatures: none;
            font-variant-caps: normal;
            font-variant-numeric: normal;
            text-align: start;
            writing-mode: lr-tb;
            text-anchor: start;
            stroke-width: 0.26458332px"""


[docs]def visualize_activations( tokens, activations, darken=2, colors=["#d35f5f", "#00aad4"], text_direction="ltr", char_limit=60, font_size=20, filter_fn=lambda x: x, ): """ Visualize activation values for a particular neuron on some text. This method returns an SVG drawing of text with every token's background color set according to the passed in activation values (red for negative values and blue for positive). Parameters ---------- tokens : list of str List of tokens over which the activations have been computed. In the rendered image, tokens will be separated by a single space. activations: list of float List of activation values, one per token. darken : int, optional Number of times to render the red/blue background. Increasing this value will reduce contrast but may help in better distinguishing between tokens. Defaults to 2 colors : list of str, optional List of two elements, the first indicating the color of the lowest activation value and the second indicating the color of the highest activation value. Defaults to shades of red and blue respectively text_direction : str, optional One of ``ltr`` or ``rtl``, indicating if the language being rendered is written left to right or right to left. Defaults to ``ltr`` char_limit : int, optional Maximum number of characters per line. Defaults to 60 font_size : int, optional Font size in pixels. Defaults to 20px filter_fn : str or fn, optional Additional functiont that modifies the incoming activations. Defaults to None resulting in keeping the activations as is. If fn is provided, it must accept a list of activations and return a list of exactly the same number of elements. str choices are currently: * ``top_tokens``: Only highlights tokens whose activation values are within 80% of the top activating token in a given sentence. Absolute values are used for comparison. Returns ------- rendered_svg : svgwrite.Drawing A SVG object that you can either save to file, convert into a png within python using an external library like Pycairo, or display in a notebook using the ``display`` from the module ``IPython.display`` """ ################################ Validation ################################ valid_text_directions = ["ltr", "rtl"] text_direction = text_direction.lower() assert ( text_direction in valid_text_directions ), f"text_direction must be one of {valid_text_directions}" assert len(tokens) == len( activations ), f"Number of tokens and activations must match" ################################ Filtering ################################ if filter_fn == "top_tokens": def keep_top_tokens(acts): max_val = max([abs(a) for a in acts]) new_acts = [a if abs(a) > 0.8 * max_val else 0 for a in acts] return new_acts filter_fn = keep_top_tokens activations_filtered = filter_fn(activations) assert len(activations) == len(activations_filtered) activations = activations_filtered ############################## Drawing Setup ############################### text = " ".join(tokens) # Estimate individual character sizes char_width = font_size * 0.601 # Magic number for Courier font char_height = font_size * 1.25 # 1.25 is line height of rendered font # Compute number of lines lines = _break_lines(text, limit=char_limit) # Compute image size based on character sizes and number of lines image_height = len(lines) * char_height * 1.2 image_width = (char_limit + 1) * char_width # Create drawing canvas dwg = svgwrite.Drawing("tmp.svg", size=(image_width, image_height), profile="full") dwg.viewbox(0, 0, image_width, image_height) group = dwg.g() ####################### Activation Rendering limits ######################## scores = activations max_score = max(scores) min_score = abs(min(scores)) limit = max(max_score, min_score) for _ in range(darken): word_idx = 0 line_horizontal_offsets = [] for line_idx, line in enumerate(lines): char_idx = 0 words = line.split(" ") if text_direction == "rtl": words = reversed(words) for word in words: score = scores[word_idx] if score > 0: color = colors[1] opacity = score / limit else: color = colors[0] opacity = abs(score) / limit # Add rectangle for every character in current word for _ in word: rect_position = (char_idx * char_width, 7 + line_idx * char_height) rect_size = (f"{char_width:0.3f}px", f"{char_height:0.3f}px") group.add( dwg.rect( insert=rect_position, size=rect_size, style=_get_rect_style(color, opacity), ) ) char_idx += 1 # Add rectangle for empty space after word final_rect_pos = (char_idx * char_width, 7 + line_idx * char_height) final_rect_size = (f"{char_width:0.3f}px", f"{char_height:0.3f}px") group.add( dwg.rect( insert=final_rect_pos, size=final_rect_size, style=_get_rect_style(color, opacity), ) ) char_idx += 1 word_idx += 1 if text_direction == "ltr": line_horizontal_offsets.append(0) else: line_horizontal_offsets.append(char_idx * char_width) # Draw the actual text over the drawn rectangles for line_idx, line in enumerate(lines): text_insert = ( line_horizontal_offsets[line_idx], font_size * 1.25 * (line_idx + 1), ) text = dwg.text( line, insert=text_insert, fill="black", style=_get_text_style(font_size) ) group.add(text) dwg.add(group) return dwg
[docs]class TransformersVisualizer: """ Helper class to visualize sentences using activations from a ``transformers`` model. Attributes ---------- model_name : str A ``transformers`` model name or path, e.g. ``bert-base-uncased`` model : ``transformers`` model The loaded model tokenizer : ``transformers`` tokenizer The loaded tokenizer Methods ------- __call__(tokens, layer, neuron) An object of this class can be called directly to get the visualized activations Examples -------- >>> visualizer = TransformersVisualizer('bert-base-uncased') >>> svg1 = visualizer(["This", "is", "a", "test"], 0, 10) >>> svg2 = visualizer(["This", "is", "another", "test"], 5, 767) """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_name): "Load the model and tokenizer" self.model_name = model_name self.model, self.tokenizer = get_model_and_tokenizer(model_name)
class __HiddenPrints__: def __enter__(self): self._original_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = self._original_stdout
[docs] def __call__(self, tokens, layer, neuron, **kwargs): """ Visualize the activations of ``neuron`` from ``layer`` in the loaded model on the given tokens. Parameters ---------- tokens : list of str List of tokens to compute and visualize the activations for layer : int Layer index of the chosen neuron to visualize in the loaded model neuron : int Neuron index of the chosen neuron kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``visualize_activations`` """ with self.__HiddenPrints__(): activations, _ = extract_sentence_representations( " ".join(tokens), self.model, self.tokenizer ) return visualize_activations(tokens, activations[layer, :, neuron], **kwargs)