"""Module for corpus based analysis.
This module contains functions that relate neurons to corpus elements like
words and sentences
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
[docs]def get_top_words(tokens, activations, neuron, num_tokens=0):
Get top activating words for any given neuron.
This method compares the activations of the given neuron across all tokens,
and extracts tokens that account for the largest variance for that given
neuron. It also returns a normalized score for each token, depicting their
contribution to the overall variance.
tokens : dict
Dictionary containing atleast one list with the key ``source``. Usually
returned from ``data.loader.load_data``
activations : list of numpy.ndarray
List of *sentence representations*, where each *sentence representation*
is a numpy matrix of shape
``[num tokens in sentence x concatenated representation size]``. Usually
retured from ``data.loader.load_activations``
neuron : int
Index of the neuron relative to ``X``
num_tokens: int, optional
Number of top tokens to return. Defaults to 0, which returns all tokens
with a non-neglible contribution to the variance
top_neurons : list of tuples
List of tuples, where each tuple is a (token, score) element
MIN_THRESHOLD = 0.1 # threshold for "negligible activation score"
activation_values = [
sentence_activations[:, neuron] for sentence_activations in activations
activation_values = np.concatenate(activation_values)
tokens = [token for sentence in tokens["source"] for token in sentence]
mean = np.mean(activation_values)
std = np.std(activation_values)
token_wise_scores = np.abs((activation_values - mean) / std)
type_wise_scores_aggregation = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
curr_sum, curr_count = type_wise_scores_aggregation[token]
type_wise_scores_aggregation[token] = (
curr_sum + token_wise_scores[idx],
curr_count + 1,
# Normalize by count
type_wise_scores = [
(k, v[0] / v[1]) for k, v in type_wise_scores_aggregation.items()
# Normalize scores by max
max_score = max([s for _, s in type_wise_scores])
type_wise_scores = [(k, v / max_score) for k, v in type_wise_scores]
# Sort and filter scores
sorted_types_scores = sorted(type_wise_scores, key=lambda x: -x[1])
sorted_types_scores = [
(k, v) for (k, v) in sorted_types_scores if v > MIN_THRESHOLD
if num_tokens > 0:
sorted_types_scores = sorted_types_scores[:num_tokens]
return sorted_types_scores